Busy Nothings is a specialty coffee shop. Our goal is to build a community around coffee that celebrates the past whilst reaching toward the future.

Reaching Toward the Future:

You may be surprised to learn that I didn’t have my first cup of coffee until after my college years were complete.  I was attending a friend's rehearsal dinner and all the adults at the table were enjoying a cup with dessert.  Peer pressure is a strong force! The real coffee journey began one afternoon when, as a young mom, I had gone out for some “me” time.  I chose to visit the newest coffee shop and redeemed a coupon for a White Chocolate Mocha.  That was my gateway! 

From that moment I started a journey exploring the vast, enjoyable tasting experiences coffee can afford. In addition to the pleasure coffee brings, (which by the way, I have learned to enjoy black!), a cup of coffee can be a vehicle for meaningful connection with friends, family and members of the community.

I am most eager to meet you on your coffee journey and get to know you over a fresh cup!

Modern Approaches to Coffee

I have long enjoyed using the phrase "busy nothings" since my first reading of Jane Austen's Mansfield Park. I often use it to refer to life's seemingly insignificant, everyday activities.

Truth is, I believe even life's most common activities can be infused with great meaning and purpose.

Classic example? Sitting down with a cup of coffee. First dates, business meetings, heartfelt connection between friends, to name a few, all occur with a cuppa nearby.

Behind the Name:

Origin of the phrase “Busy Nothings”